Title VI
Your Rights Under Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended
The transportation services of the Santee Wateree RTA (SWRTA) and our Dial-A-Ride are provided without discrimination based upon your race, color, and national origin.
Any person who believes she or he has been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, or national origin by the Santee Wateree Regional Transportation Authority (SWRTA) may file a complaint by completing and submitting the agency’s Title VI Complaint Form. The SWRTA investigates complaints received no more than 180 days after the alleged incident. The SWRTA will process complaints that are complete.
Once the complaint is received, the SWRTA will review it to determine if our office has jurisdiction. The complainant will receive an acknowledgement letter informing her/him whether the complaint will be investigated by our office.
The SWRTA has 60 days to investigate the complaint. If more information is needed to resolve the case, SWRTA may contact the complainant. The complainant has 20 business days from the date of the letter to send requested information to the investigator assigned to the case. If the investigator is not contacted by the complainant or does not receive the additional information within 20 business days, SWRTA can administratively close the case. A case can be administratively closed also if the complainant no longer wishes to pursue their case.
After the investigator reviews the complaint, she/he will issue one of two letters to the complainant: a closure letter of finding (LOF). A closure letter summarizes the allegations and states that there was not a Title VI violation and that the case will be closed. An LOF summarizes the allegations and the interviews regarding the alleged incident, and explains whether any disciplinary action, additional training of the staff member, or other action will occur. If the complainant wishes to appeal the decision, she/he has 60 days after the date of the letter or the LOF to do so.
A person may also file a complaint directly with the Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor – TCR, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
For more information on your civil rights under Title VI or information on filing a discrimination complaint contact:
Santee Wateree RTA (SWRTA)
Compliance Officer
129 South Harvin Street
Sumter, S.C. 29150​
1-803-934-0396 Direct
1-800-735-2905 Toll Free
711 TTY Relay
If you have a complaint, please click here for a complaint form.
Si tiene una queja, haga clic aquí para obtener un formulario de queja.
Public Transportation Passenger Safety and Rights Directive
As part of the South Carolina Code of Laws, Article 15 Section 58-23-1830 Public Transportation Passenger Rights Act, guidelines addressing passenger and driver safety have been implemented. To view a complete copy of this article, click here.
Further written information on safety and passenger behavior policy may be obtained from the driver or from:
Santee Wateree RTA (SWRTA)
Compliance Officer
129 South Harvin Street
Sumter, S.C. 29150
1-803-934-0396 Direct
1-800-735-2905 Toll Free
711 TTY Relay
SWRTA Title VI Service Standards​
Note: MB denotes Motor Bus, CB denotes Commuter Bus, DR denotes Demand Response
I. Vehicle Load for each mode:
a. MB mode : Peak Time - 10 persons avg. out of a 28 passenger bus; Off Peak Time - 7 person avg. out of 28
passenger bus
CB mode : Peak Time - 10 persons avg. out of a 42 passenger bus; Off Peak Time - 0 passengers put of a 42
passenger bus
DR mode : Peak Time - 4 persons avg. out of a 13 passenger bus; Off Peak Time - 3 passengers put of a 13
passenger bus
II. Vehicle Headway for each mode:
a. For MD mode - the vehicle headway for peak time is 10 minutes and for off peak time is 15 minutes. This
fixed route was setup through consultants who looked at data showing the amount of ridership during certain
times of the day. SWRTA also depended on feedback from the community, city official's recommendations,
as well as, the population density. The routes are reviewed periodically for modifications funding permits. For
CB, a program (SmartRide) started as a pilot program by DOT. They reviewed the work times of the riding
passengers with public feedback through public hearings. The times set for this program was finalized as a
result of those working individuals who utilize the SmartRide services. There is only one bus utilized for this
service; therefore, the headway does not apply.
III. On time performance for each mode:
a. SWRTA has a 93% performance rate on all runs system-wide.
IV. Service availability for each mode:
a. SWRTA has established the distance between stops for the MB mode at .2 mile with the CB mode being a 35
mile radius.

James E. Clyburn Intermodal Transportation Center